Learn An ADHD Skill From Exercise?

When you start exercising you actually start using one of the best principles for learning when you have ADHD. You go to exercise for the first time or for the first time and years and what do people tell you? They will say start where you are! Start with what you can do! You have to take it step-by-step. What does this equate to? You are breaking things down! You want to do a pushup, but you have never done one. You don’t know the proper form for a pushup. Guess what though? You can break down the process! You can do a little bit. You can start by learning each part. You can try to do a pushup each day. Eventually, you will learn everything about a pushup! It may not happen overnight, but you break it down and learn little by little! Go at your own pace and break it down as much as you need to. Don’t forget to use a reward as a motivator! Rewards can be great motivators! Before I go off into a tangent I am going to end this post here. Think about how awesome that it is though that through exercise you can learn one of the best things for ADHD!