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ADHD College Test Success 2021

If you are planning to go to college for the first time or are going back to school then it’s worth noting you will have to take tests! Tests are not the most fun thing in the world. They are especially troublesome when you have ADHD. The test prep does not come easy when you have ADHD. You might forget things, procrastinate, or just have no motivation. Then when you are taking the test how do you stay focused? Are there things that help understand the questions? Are there any strategies? The answers to these questions vary, but there are many things you can do when you have ADHD to have success with college tests. For instance, you can make your environment like the test environment as much as you can when you study. You can make up acronyms to help you remember the material you study. As with most tasks with ADHD you will need breaks too! There are many other things that you can do to make sure you have the best chance at a good grade on a test. What are specific things you need help with when doing test prep or taking the test? You have to start there and then try to find a solution. A little adjustment can go a long way when it comes to studying and test-taking. When you finish studying or completing an assignment a remember to reward yourself! You have done something great! Be proud of yourself! Having ADHD and going to college can be a challenge. There are a lot of things that help you conquer that challenge. And one of the best places to start is by figuring out test prep and test taking.