The Rewired Fitness Podcast

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When You Have ADHD It's Important To Know How To Deal With Holiday Stress.

Dealing with holiday stress when you have ADHD can be overwhelming at times. Going here and there constantly all of the time can be stressful. What present can you pick for this or that person? Will it get there on time? What about the decorations? What about the perfect holiday meal you want to cook? These things can stress someone with ADHD out! That can hinder executive function. There is a part of the brain that manages executive function. Executive function is about everything related to organizational skills. Time management, motivation, organization are all part of the executive function skillset. When someone has ADHD, they are already dealing with an executive function deficit. What can help? One thing is getting help from someone. I mean asking someone to help you do this part or that part to decrease the workload. Some people may decline, but a good friend or family member may help. Another option is the “Body Double” principle. Ask someone to come and be in the same room as you. Their presence motivates most people to get into action and focus on the task. For example, someone starts to do homework. They are doing well, but after about 15 minutes, they are bored. They are alone and decide they want to get on social media. However, take the same person and put them in a study group or study with a friend and they will get more done. One other thing I would suggest is mindfulness. One thing I hear from people with ADHD is, “Meditation is boring! My mind starts racing! I start to meditate, and 30 seconds later, I start thinking about something else and not meditating at all. To that, I always say, “It takes practice. If all you can do is meditate for 30 seconds, then do it for 30 seconds and then push for 31 seconds and then a minute!” Eventually, they will be able to meditate longer. Sometimes it takes something to help them meditate. They discover that as they keep trying. What do you think about all of this? Have you ever thought about these things? Reach out and let me know if this helps!