ADHD Versus Laundry! How To Break Down Laundry Piles and Mountains.

One of the things that I hear about when I talk to someone with ADHD is a battle with laundry! The dreaded laundry pile turning into a laundry mountain is a reality. What can someone do when they have executive function issues and doing laundry is an executive function-heavy task. Time management and organization are the major components of reaching a goal. One of the things that can be helpful is breaking the task down! Breaking something down into smaller parts or goals is a good strategy with ADHD. With ADHD tackling these can be overwhelming, but multiple smaller goals can be easier to reach. The same result is achieved through the small tasks as one big one. The bonus of reaching multiple smaller goals on the way to a bigger goal is more goals obtained along the way. Small accomplishments on the way to bigger goals are always motivating. Working towards a fitness goal? People pay attention to their progress along their journey to be fit. Completing goals along the way reinforces they are making progress. Even a little advancement is still moving forward. The point is that it may take a while to reach that goal, but the way is paved with milestones. Laundry mountains can be frequent when someone has ADHD. If there is a pile of clothes so high that no one can see the chair underneath, it is way past time to try to put a dent into the growing laundry pile. Start by taking a section here or there and making smaller piles. Complete the laundry by doing smaller loads. Smaller loads are easier to fold once they are out of the dryer. Small loads do not take as long to dry. Little by little a large pile of clothes becomes smaller and then gone! It is a simple strategy that can bring results. One last thing is that doing laundry is boring. It will not take long to be ready to quit doing it because when there is a big pile of clothes, the perception is that the task will take a long time. However, when someone sits down with a small load of clothes to fold, they realize that this task right now probably will take a short amount of time. That can be the difference between the motivation to reach their goal. If someone has ADHD and wants a way to finish laundry, one of the best suggestions can be to break it down.

Kevin Lewis